Jobs Details
General Manager 

Job Description : GM SALES KENYA FOR SNACKS 15-20 years exerperience - Awareness of the inputs, activities and outputs related to the job. - Strategic planning - Complex problem resolution and management skills - Ability to keep self updated on the professional and technical developments in the area of work. - Outstanding communication and presentation skills - High level of interpersonal skills and integrity - Good team player - Creative, forward thinker, always on the lookout for improvements - Optimum use of human resources and materials, avoiding waste - Ability to supervise the work of subordinate managers, motivate and coach - Multitasking capability - Ability to plan, prioritise, organise the allotted jobs - Ability to cope with time pressure and stress Duties and responsibilities : - Planning, directing and coordinating the general functioning of the organisation - Reviewing the operations and results of the organisation and reporting to the boards of directors and governing bodies as and when required - Determining objectives, strategies, policies and programmes for the organisation - Providing overall leadership and management to the organization - Establishing and managing budgets, controlling expenditure and ensuring the efficient use of resources - Authorising material, human and financial resources to implement organizational policies and programmes - Monitoring and evaluating performance of the organisation against established objectives and policies - Consulting with subordinate managers and reviewing recommendations and reports - Representing the organization at official occasions and board meetings, in negotiations and at conventions, seminars, public hearings and forums - Selecting or approving the selection of senior staff - Ensuring the organization complies with the relevant legislation and regulations

Posted on : 29-01-2020