Jobs Details
Commercial Head

Job Description : COMMERCIAL HEAD NIGERIA FOR PLYWOOD Budgeting: Preparation, review & approval Implementation Co-ordination & Monitoring Arrange for Dept wise presentation Monthly Variance analysis with Cause & Effects of each Functions Presentation on Quarterly basis Costing : Define the Cost Center and Functional Dept for Wood Industry Preparation base for Costing. Implementation Co-ordination, Monitoring & Cost Analysis MIS: Develop & Implement a structured MIS system. Formatting of documents, Log Sheet to Daily Production Reports of each process and flow of in- formations. Evaluation of Performance of ongoing Projects and commercial viability of Projects. Quarterly Performance review cum -presentation of all the activities. Co-ordination, Customize and successful Implementation of Navision ERP System. Co-ordination for Successful Implementation of ISO 18001 & ISO 9001 QMS.

Posted on : 23-02-2020