Jobs Details
Senior Accounts Manager
10 years
Job Description : SENIOR MANAGER , ACCOUNTS FOR UGANDA 10+ years experience As a Senior Manager Accounts, you will be working the finance/accounts department and you will be reporting to the Chief Financial Officer. You will be working with a team who are directly involved in the accounts department. Whilst your core responsibility will be to allocate duties and responsibilities to staff within the accounts department and to ensure that everyone does what they are supposed to in time, you will also be involved in performing standard accounting duties yourself. Duties & Responsibilities Ensuring that the following duties are done by yourself and the staff reporting to you: Posting verifying petty cash vouchers. You will be responsible for ensuring that all approved petty cash vouchers are entered in the system on a daily basis. By doing so, you will be in position to confirm that all the vouchers issued match the money released from the cash office. You will be responsible for ensuring that there are no delays in getting evidence for expenditure beyond one week. 2. Posting of Payments & Receipts and Reconciling Bank Balances Ensuring that all payments and receipts are posted into Tally ERP and ensuring that actual bank balances match with those in your accounting system. This also involves ensuring that payments made through credit/debit cards are reflected in the company's bank balances. A daily report must be submitted to the MD showing reconciled bank balances. 3. Stock Reconciliation Getting stock movement records from the store keepers on a daily basis and ensuring that there is a "movement" match and a "closing stock" match between the movement and closing stock shown in your accounting system and the store keepers records. It is your duty to ensure that by the 5th day of the following month you submit a stock match report to the managing director. 4. Stock Takes Ensuring that physical stock is counted on a monthly basis and reconciling and mis-matches. You must present a stock counting schedule designated by which store will be counted by which people. This schedule must be submitted to the managing director by the 24th date of every month. 5. Viewing online statements. You will need to have rights issued by banks to view statements online. You will be responsible for drafting the letters & filling the forms that banks require in order to give to access to online balances and transactions. Within 3 weeks of joining you must have access to all banks online banking system. 6. Monthly Reconciliation of Customer's Accounts You will be required to reconcile all the statements of our customers on a monthly basis. A report showing that all account statements in the company's accounting system match with the statements provided by customers and suppliers must be submitted. This report is due by the 7th day of the following month and must be submitted to the managing director. 7. Debt Collection Management You will be in charge of ensuring that all outstanding monies owed to the company are paid on time. You will be holding weekly meetings with the debt collector and all "account managers" to follow up and ensure that outstanding monies are collected. You will need to directly contact clients if necessary and you will have the authority to "stop supply". A weekly debt collection report needs to be submitted to the managing director. You will heavily involve in ground level aspects of debt collection. This means reconciliation of statements and visiting parties who owe the company money. 8. Approving Credit Sales You will be responsible for approving orders on receipt of the LPO. This involves checking that the customer's account is in good standing and that the LPO is genuine before approval of release of goods. You will also need to follow up and see that the goods were delivered on time and that the customer received them. You will also need to ensure that the right person in the customer's company has the invoice so that payment is processed in time. You will submit a report once every two days to the managing director which shows confirmation that a delivery note has been signed by the customer and show that you also made a phone call to ensure that the customer confirms having received the item. Filing of Documents Invoices acknowledged by the client, delivery note copies acknowledged by the client, bank deposit slips, confirmed account balance statements by customers, credit card payment verification slips, copies of issued cheques, copies of invoices received, copies of signed LPO's, copies of signed petty cash vouchers, evidence of all cash expenditure, job cards issued by the maintenance division, copies of annual maintenance contracts, copies of any and all contracts for the supply, installation, repair and/or maintenance of any products or services are some of the documents which are very important to keep in a systematic manner. Filed month wise under lock and key. Filing these documents in a neat, systematic and secure manner shall be your duty and you shall retain the key to the filing cabinet. Moving old documents to a secure area in the company's archives will also form part of your duty. On your arrival, expect to find that documentation filing is somewhat in a mess. It shall be your duty to completely arrange all documents in a systematic manner. 10. Cash Balancing You will note that the company has got a showroom where walk-in customers come and pay cash to purchase our products. At the end of the day, you will be required to check and balance that the cash received matches the items sold and there is no shortage of cash or theft of items. 11. Verifying and posting supplier invoices. You are expected to receive, check, verify and enter the supplier invoices as soon as you receive them. You are also expected to balance their statements on a monthly basis. You will be required to present a weekly report to the managing director on all monies owed by Appliance World to third parties. You will also be responsible for ensuring that all payments to all suppliers are made in time. 12. Processing payment for suppliers (local) and service providers (Freights and utilities). Preparing supplier payment analysis for the Managing Director for every payment, and processing payment for suppliers (local) and service providers (Freights and Utilities). This is approved by the Managing Director. 13. Entering Goods Received Notes and Goods Transfer Notes. GRNS are made when items are received in the stores from both local and international suppliers and returning goods from the customers. GTNs are made when we are transferring items internally from one store to another. You are expected to keep track which helps in stock balancing. 14. Preparing LPOs, Sales Orders, Tax invoices and Freight orders. These are supposed to be prepared once we receive an order or when we want to order for items respectively. 15. Preparing costing entries for imported goods. Once items are received in our bonded warehouses, you are expected to receive the necessary documentation from the imports department and prepare costing entries and enter in tally. 16. Salary . Checking the advance sheet and verifying that it will be submitted to the Managing Director for approval without any mistakes, preparing monthly salaries for employees as well as leave pay. 17. Finalization of Accounts and other statutory compliances. To finalize the accounts, annual profit and loss, balance sheet and related statements including the provisions, depreciation, ROC related documentation etc. Also filing of annual and monthly returns of VAT, Payee, NSSF, WHT any other compliance in accordance with the prevailing rules and regulations. 18. Cash Flow Forecasts It is very important that they company has a picture of the financial situation at least 6 months ahead. It shall be your responsibility to plan to show the monies coming in and the monies going out and ensure that the company is in a healthy position. This cash flow forecast must be updated every 2 weeks and must be submitted to the managing director through a physical meeting.
Country : Uganda
Posted on : 07-01-2020